I started my company in 1983 because I saw a tremendous need for professional party management services and believed with all my heart that I could fill the bill. Well, more than twenty years later, that need is greater than ever and my associates and I are out there filling it every week of the year. It doesn’t take many bad parties to realize that a guy or gal with a microphone and a bunch of records doesn’t automatically translate into a great time for all. DJ Party Hosts have to bring a whole lot more to the party than that, and at SBDJSEG … we do.

Some people are born with the innate ability to read a crowd and lead/coax/cajole/convince/inspire them to sing, dance, and be merry. Some must learn these skills. Within my group you will find both kinds of DJS, but you’ll never know which is which.
All of my associates are hand-picked and trained and share the same winning traits of entertainers:
- Ability to read a crowd and select appropriate music to satisfy all
- Instinct for getting people dancing and keeping them dancing
- Great rapport with clients and guests.
- Excellent communications skills and winning personalities
- Experience at organizing games and mixing activities
- Provide fun and excitement for kids of all ages
- Maintain calm control
- Comfortable as the center of attention
If you’d like to guarantee a great time for you and your guests at your next affair, please contact me at 215- 280-6855 or SayHeyinPA@aol.com . I’d love to talk to you about your needs and show you how I can help.
Stewart's Story
“I always say that I’m in the happiness business. I get paid to help people have fun. And that’s a great way to make a living.”
“I host somewhere around 600 parties a year, of all kinds. Whatever kind of event that people can celebrate, I get calls for it. This is what I love … the sheer act of helping people have fun. It’s what got me going when I was a kid, and it’s still the greatest thing in the world as far as I’m concerned.
” “This business has always been part of me, since before it was a business. I don’t really remember starting as a professional. As a kid I would always find myself in the role of party host … DJ … ringleader … whatever you want to call it. After enough times of people coming up to me to say … great job… great party … I guess I figured it was something I was good at. Something I wanted to do more of. And so I did, and so I have.”
Contact Balshem Entertainment Group today at 215- 280-6855 for all your DJ Entertainment needs, or browse the rest of website on our wide range of entertainment services.
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